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Understanding Myopia

Myopia (short-sightedness) is the most common ocular disorder among children and young adults, which has been on the rise worldwide, is estimated to be affecting about 5 billion people by 2050, and affects 80% – 90% of high school graduates in most major cities, where the common symptoms include squinting, eye strain, and headaches.

Myopia can affect anyone, regardless of age or background, and usually starts to develop during childhood and can progress rapidly, which might result in High Myopia where myopic power of -6.00D (or higher) in each eye is not just the mere inconvenience of having thicker spectacle lenses, but are at risk of developing early cataracts, retinal detachment, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other potential sight-threatening conditions.

An early intervention of myopia help prevent the risk of our children developing high myopia later in life

Myopia Control Lenses is a long-term solution for your child’s vision correction needs

Investing in Myopia Control Lenses by preventing myopia from obscuring your child’s vision.  Take charge, allow your child to see the splendour of the world he/she deserves.

Myopia Control Lenses

Oculus’s products are manufactured in conformity with the quality assurance system ISO 13485 requirements.

Tips for maintaining a good eye health

Take regular break

Take regular breaks from near-work such as reading, writing, and from your digital devices, and rest your eyes with the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on something at least 20 feet away from your eyes.

Spending time outdoors

An active lifestyle spent outdoors helps to delay the onset and progression of myopia but do remember to protect your eyes against the UV rays.

Boost eye health with foods

Incorporate different types of veggies, fruits, and fish, especially leafy greens like spinach, kale, and citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and fish loaded with omega-3 fatty acids for good eye health.

Schedule regular eye check-ups

Remember to schedule regular eye check-ups with your eye care practitioner to ensure early treatment of possible vision problems.